
Visual effects is when the effects is when imagery is created and edited in a film off set as it cannot not be done on set.

Special effects is creating an illusion on set with makeup and props.

Bullet time:
Image result for bullet time examples the matrix
The Matrix:
The intention of this effect is to show the character dodging the bullets being fired at him by leaning far back. This effect is successful because it shows the character being in an unusual position that no one would ever be in and also it shows he is just centimetres away from the bullets. I think this was made by using roped/harnesses attached to the character so they can lean far back whilst being filmed in a green screen room.

Computer Generated Imagery:

Image result for Computer Generated Imagery

The intention of this effect is to make a person look like an alien or an animal. This effect is successful because the actor looks very different but they still have human features which makes it very realistic. I think this was made by  placing green dots on their face so that they know how to place the imagery on them.

Motion Control Photography:

Image result for motion control in films scene

The intention of this effect is to create the illusion the character is in the shot two times at once. This is effective because the actor can act as to different characters in one scene. I think this is done by filming the scene multiple times so the actor can change character but making sure the camera is in the exact same position. 

Green Screen:

Image result for avengers 1 fight scene green screen

The intention of this effect is too create a background with digital editing. This is effective because it create the illusion that the characters are in a place which is impossible to be in in the real world. I think this is made by placing a green screen behind the characters and then edit the background in during editing.

Flying Effect:

Image result for flying effect example in film

Harry Potter:
The intention of this effect is to make someone or something fly in the air. This is effective in this scene because it looks very realistic that the character is flying. I think this is done my have the actor sit on a broom that isn't touching the floor and is in a green room so they can edit the background in.


Image result for the walking dead zombie

The Walking Dead:
The intention of this effect is too make an actor look like a zombie. This is effective because the audience will believe this is a zombie because the makeup used has made the actor look so much like one. I think this is done by having a makeup artist spend hours doing the makeup on the actor.


Image result for Pyrotechnics in films

The intention of this effect is to create an explosion. This is effective because it makes the action scene more exciting for the audience to watch. I think this is done by using miniature mod-els which they set on fire or blow up.

Glass Breaking:

Image result for films with glass shattering effect in scene

The intention of this effect is to show the character running through glass while its shattering. This is effective because it makes the action scene more interesting to watch and it adds another element to the scene. I think this effect was created by have a big sheet created by silicone and urethane, which looks like glass, and then the actor runs/jumps through it without hurting themselves.


Week 1:
Day 1: Research special and visual effects
Day 2: Research special and visual effects
Day 3: Research special and visual effects
Day 4: Decide what effect I will be doing and how I will do it
Day 5: Research how I will do the effect

Week 2:
Day 1: Research how i will do the effect
Day 2: Research equipment/material needed for special effects I'm creating
Day 3: Answer questions for proposal
Day 4: Answer questions for proposal
Day 5: Answer questions for proposal

Week 3:
Day 1: Practice special effect makeup
Day 2: See what other people think to it and what I think I did wrong
Day 3: Practice again and showcase it on camera
Day 4: Upload my second attempt to YouTube and upload to blog, see what my classmates and supervisor thinks to it and review it.
Day 5: Find a film review that mentions a special effect film, quote it. Reference it using the Harvard system. Write about whether I agree or disagree with the quote.

Week 4:
Day 1: Create the special effects makeup and film it.
Day 2: Edit work
Day 3: Edit work
Day 4: Evaluate my work
Day 5: Evaluate my work

Equipement/props needed:
Latex, tissue, fake blood, eyeshadow, foundation, string, scissors, cotton wool.

I will be doing this project at my house so I don't need to book or arrange a time I can do it. I will be using a model for my project. I wont be making a story board because there is no speech and not much action in my short clip.

Practising Skills:

I have practiced special effects by creating a cut on a models arm using prosthetic makeup. I learned that it takes time an patience to do this because you need to allow time for the liquid latex to dry when putting the layers of tissue on. I also learned that I will need the correct shade of foundation when doing it next time because it doesn't look good that the foundation doesn't match the models skin tone. Next time when doing this special effect, I shall be doing it on someones mouth so I need to be careful when cutting the tissue mould. I will also be using dark colours of eyeshadow to show bruising which will look more realistic. I think this practise test went well because I learnt where I went wrong and what other materials I will need. I also think it looks realistic and gruesome which is good as its the first time I have done it but now I think I can do better.


  1. Hi Izzy, this is quite a low standard of research, we were expecting a lot more than this, in a lot more detail. Unfortunately, It seems like you gained very limited insight in this area


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