

Backstory / What is the context of the task, what has happened before? 
- For this project, I shall be producing a clip from a horror film that is off special effects. I will create this special effect by using prosthetic makeup to make the characters lips look like they have been stitched up together. 

Opportunity / What’s the core problem you’re aiming to solve? What opportunity does it suggest?
- This gives me the opportunity to learn how to do special effects makeup and gain more knowledge of what looks good and what doesn't. It also allows me to show people what I can do which will give me a better chance of getting into the media industry. 

Scope / What’s in? What’s out?
- Overall, the scope of this project is too create a 20 second video using either visual or special effects. I have chosen special effects because I wanted to create the illusion that someones lips has been sowed together. I will do this by using makeup and materials such as, fake blood, string, tissue, latex. foundation and eyeshadow. I will be doing my research over two weeks as I want to get as much information as I can to know how to do the special effects. 


Target Audience / Who are they? Where are they? Describe them
- My target audience is people the age of 18 to 50. This is because it is gory and disturbing to look at so elderly people wouldn't necessary enjoy it and it isn't suitable for children.They are mainly from England as it is a English production. People that are into horror movies would be drawn to this as this scene is in a horror movie as it is meant to be terrifying to look at. 

Constraints / What are the brand, technology, resource, people constraints? 
- I will be using a camera for the technology which will be my own camera so I wont need to book one. I will make sure it has a full charged battery in it and the SD card shall be empty so there wont be any constraints with it. However, I will need foundation, fake blood, tissue, latex and string for the when I create the lips sowed up so I will make sure I have got all these materials. In relation to that, my friend shall be the model for this project but to avoid constraints, I shall be arranging a time and date for when we are both free to do the makeup on her but if she happens to fall ill or anything else that makes her unable to do it, I will do the makeup on myself. 

Assumptions / What are all our current assumptions? Both in terms of the target market and our abilities
- My assumptions for this project is that my target audience will enjoy my short clip for a film. I thinks this because I am going to make it look as realistic as possible and as it's gory, my target audience will enjoy it as they are into horror film. 

Resources / Who is in the core and extended team? What is needed to achieve success? 
- I am doing this project independently so I won't have to rely on others for getting the work done. I will do the special effects makeup on the model but I will ask people around or send pictures to my friends to get their opinion on it. This will help me to achieve success because I will be able too see if other people think it is gory or realistic enough and I can solve the problems by adjusting it. 


Success / How will you measure success? Describe the hard metrics of success 
- I will measure success by seeing what reaction I get from my audience. This will give me an idea what people think to it and how they felt watching it. If they felt scared/disturbed but also enjoyed it, I will be happy with my project as that is what I am aiming to achieve. I will also measure success by seeing what grade I get from this project. If I get a high grade I will have achieved my goals.  

Envision / What does success look like? Feel like? What will you be famous for? Where will this project lead?
- Success to me is to be able to be happy with my final product and to get a high grade.Getting a high grade will allow me to go onto other things in the media industry as company's/brands will see how well I have done and would potentially like to employ me. 


  1. Hi Izzy, your proposal needed more specificity to it and more follow up to the points that you were making


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